Hopes and Promises Preschool Ministry

Hopes and Promises Preschool Ministry ( at New Hope Chapel in Wingate)
105 W. Main
Wingate, IN 47994

The preschool offers instruction in creative, academic, physical, social and spiritual areas through a thematic program.  There is a class limit of 12 students per class of 2 teachers.

Check out the Hope and Promises Preschool page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hopesandpromises/


For more information or to register, contact the preschool at 765-275-2167, Pastor Duane Mycroft or his wife Sandy at 765-275-2304, or the lead teacher Darla Williams at 765-339-4020. Also, the head of the preschool ministry team and director Steve Wilson can be contacted at 765-275-2421 or 765-366-1597.